“If you want to be taken seriously at our age, you have to set an example of how you want to be treated” – that is my absolute conviction.

And for this it is important to do YOUR THING. Why? Because we are always particularly productive when we face our challenges. This makes us strong, free and independent.

Facing your challenges commands respect from EVERYONE. Because everyone knows how difficult it is to overcome yourself and break out of your comfort zone.

And yet, EVERYONE longs for this exciting life where every day is an adventure!

When we face ourselves, we take ourselves seriously – and radiate something that can be called magical, attractive and charismatic. They work without wanting to, forcing and influencing.

In short, you will become a role model. And thus the best leader you can be!

After the dream is before the dream!

Great experiences bring deep insights. That’s how I always felt when I came back from a challenging adventure tour. Be it cycling to Moscow, my crossings of the Alps, my desert hikes or now that I’ve been back from the desert elephants.

But this time something is completely different: These extreme tours no longer appeal to me. I’m satiated!

Something has changed.

I actually found the answer to what I was looking for “out there” in my life. “Outside” I felt very close to myself. Strong and vulnerable at the same time. Because in nature you are vulnerable. But also very authentic. Approachable and honest.

Living your dream doesn’t mean that everything falls to you and becomes very easy. Living your dream brings you close to your essence, to your core. You give up things, comforts for it, and gain other things. Extremely enriching, deep encounters and experiences.

This is how you come to yourself, and there is your inner peace and your true power. Because allowing your dreams and facing them has great power.

Today, I can distinguish very well who is really living their dream – and who is just talking about it. You can feel it in their clarity, gratitude and humility. They took their longing seriously and simply looked for “it”. They didn’t give up until they found “it.”

And I found everything I could find on my extreme adventure trips. Somehow, all of a sudden, it was over!

Now it’s time for new goals that I want to tackle. I want to travel further, get to know people and countries, continue to grow my business, support many more people in giving themselves this freedom and living their best life. But I don’t do anything extreme anymore. I’m satiated. By the way, it is a very nice, peaceful feeling to have arrived like this…

If you have the feeling that “something is still missing in your life”, let me tell you: You are in good company. I like people who are searching, who are up to something, who are not satisfied too quickly – who want more than mediocrity – and I love helping them break through.

Like to follow my travel-Experience? Join my Newsletter.

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Please don’t wait too long to pursue your dreams!

My friend Yvonne had pancreatic cancer. We’ve known each other for 38 years and she used to be the one who consistently did HER THING. I learned a lot from her concerning: “I make sure I’m doing well.”

Travelling, that was both of our thing. We had already planned a trip around the world when we were students and I can still see the face of the lady in the travel agency when we presented her with our elaborate itinerary… 😊

At some point, Yvonne went through a phase of “not now, later again, if” “that doesn’t work now, you don’t understand it”…

And now… I come back from the desert, full of impressions and learn that she died on Easter Monday. I’m really totally shocked.

I’ve been thinking about posting this for a long time – but I know Yvonne would want it that way. Her last words to me were: “Live your life”.

I really don’t want to scare anyone. But it doesn’t always affect “the others” – and today I am more convinced than ever that everyone knows deep down what they want. Sometimes it’s buried and there are a lot of “YES, BUT’s” over it: pain, guilt, fears, doubts…

I hope that the people who know me will find the courage to tackle these dreams. No matter what the circumstances are! Because there are always paths between black and white that open up when you open yourself.

By the way, I don’t promise you a quick transformation. I trust much more in a healthy, broad foundation of deep insights, transformative insights and effective skills that brings you stably into your inner power. You go from being a plaything to a creator and that gives you a lot of freedom of action and the leeway to deal calmly with life’s challenges. Because where the basis is right, there is no limit to the variety of developments.

If you’re feeling addressed and need a kick to tackle what’s been on your mind for ages – then go to my website and sign up. You can find the link here: https://conny-schumacher.de/clarity


Like to follow my travel-Experience? Join my Newsletter.

#makeithappen #goforyourdreams  #wiedubekommstwasduwillst #theartofgettingwhatyoureallywant #isayasdreamers #coaching

A true story…

My friend Sabine has pancreatic cancer. We’ve known each other for 38 years, and she used to be the one who consistently did HER STUFF. I learned a lot from her concerning: “I make sure I’m doing well.” Traveling was both of our thing. We had already planned a trip around the world when we were students and I can still see the face of the lady in the travel agency when we presented her with our ingenious itinerary… 😊

At some point, Sabine went through a long phase of “I’ll do it all if…” And “you can’t do that now, you don’t understand it”… She had chosen a different life and was super consistent in it. It is certainly not for me to question her decision or to point fingers. Nevertheless: I deeply feel for her and I dont even want to imagine how she feels when she sees my pictures from South Africa or Namibia…

I don’t want to scare anyone. But it’s not always just “the others” who are affected.

I just wish everyone who feels addressed that they don’t wait too long to take their inner voice seriously. And today I am more convinced than ever that everyone knows deep down what they want. Sometimes it’s buried deep down and there are a lot of “YES BUTs” covering it … pain, fears, doubts… But honestly, folks, none of this is a reason NOT to do it. I’m also terrified of snakes and I’m still going to the desert!

I truly wish that the people who know me will find the courage to face their dreams. No matter what the circumstances are. There are always ways. Paths between black and white that open up when you open yourself. I believe in this because I have experienced it myself and continue to experience it.

If you want to know how I managed to go from “broke and frustrated by Covid” to “I’m living my dream and traveling the world as an entrepreneur with a 6-figure annual income” in two years, then I invite you to my free masterclass. You will learn about the challenges I had to overcome and which skills helped me the most. I’ll reveal one of these skills this evening. You will immediately see the benefits, you can practice them – and when you apply them in your life, you will notice that you are making a realy difference.

To register and for more information just click here…

Like to follow my travel-Experience? Join my Newsletter.

#makeithappen #goforyourdreams  #wiedubekommstwasduwillst #theartofgettingwhatyoureallywant #isayasdreamers #coaching

Isaya ́s Dreamers – What the world needs

There has already been a lot of talk about the book “Isaya’s Eyes”. Also about what should be done with the donations: Women should be brought into their strength to enable themselves to have a better life. To this end, I have been touring South Africa since January 2024 and am getting an impression of how and where I can best start.

Today: The case of ZIPHO or – IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MINDSET Read more

Between Worlds

I wait for the TK 45 – call to Istanbul and review the last few days.

Because in these last few days, a surprising amount went wrong: Overnight I left my handbag with wallet, passport, mobile phone and everything else that is important in the car on the passenger side. In the morning, the mega shock: Phew, nothing happens! Read more

Success Skill No. 1: The Power of Thoughts – and the difference this skill can make to your success

I talk a lot about mindset and skills, about life and basic principles that can make one, if not THE decisive difference. They are often underrated, difficult to learn, and do not replace strategy or technique – but they are secret weapons in dealing with success.

If you know it and use it for yourself, you won’t want to miss it. And that’s exactly what I try to achieve through my coaching. To illustrate the benefits, today I publish a story from the category SUCCESS STORIES OF MY CLIENTS – and this story really happened! I only changed the lady’s name for reasons of discretion.
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Jason and “HER” Cape Town – on the road in Cape Town with local girls

The 11 life principles of the Isaya – or what the book has to do with my coaching.

The 11 life principles of the Isaya - or what the book has to do with my coaching.“You can get everything you want out of life if you pay attention to a few basic things,” says the wise turtle Isaya to Silvie, a young woman who is desperately searching for the meaning and meaning of her life. Read more