A true story...

A true story…

My friend Sabine has pancreatic cancer. We’ve known each other for 38 years, and she used to be the one who consistently did HER STUFF. I learned a lot from her concerning: “I make sure I’m doing well.” Traveling was both of our thing. We had already planned a trip around the world when we were students and I can still see the face of the lady in the travel agency when we presented her with our ingenious itinerary… 😊

At some point, Sabine went through a long phase of “I’ll do it all if…” And “you can’t do that now, you don’t understand it”… She had chosen a different life and was super consistent in it. It is certainly not for me to question her decision or to point fingers. Nevertheless: I deeply feel for her and I dont even want to imagine how she feels when she sees my pictures from South Africa or Namibia…

I don’t want to scare anyone. But it’s not always just “the others” who are affected.

I just wish everyone who feels addressed that they don’t wait too long to take their inner voice seriously. And today I am more convinced than ever that everyone knows deep down what they want. Sometimes it’s buried deep down and there are a lot of “YES BUTs” covering it … pain, fears, doubts… But honestly, folks, none of this is a reason NOT to do it. I’m also terrified of snakes and I’m still going to the desert!

I truly wish that the people who know me will find the courage to face their dreams. No matter what the circumstances are. There are always ways. Paths between black and white that open up when you open yourself. I believe in this because I have experienced it myself and continue to experience it.

If you want to know how I managed to go from “broke and frustrated by Covid” to “I’m living my dream and traveling the world as an entrepreneur with a 6-figure annual income” in two years, then I invite you to my free masterclass. You will learn about the challenges I had to overcome and which skills helped me the most. I’ll reveal one of these skills this evening. You will immediately see the benefits, you can practice them – and when you apply them in your life, you will notice that you are making a realy difference.

To register and for more information just click here…

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#makeithappen #goforyourdreams  #wiedubekommstwasduwillst #theartofgettingwhatyoureallywant #isayasdreamers #coaching

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