After the dream is before the dream!

Great experiences bring deep insights. That’s how I always felt when I came back from a challenging adventure tour. Be it cycling to Moscow, my crossings of the Alps, my desert hikes or now that I’ve been back from the desert elephants.

But this time something is completely different: These extreme tours no longer appeal to me. I’m satiated!

Something has changed.

I actually found the answer to what I was looking for “out there” in my life. “Outside” I felt very close to myself. Strong and vulnerable at the same time. Because in nature you are vulnerable. But also very authentic. Approachable and honest.

Living your dream doesn’t mean that everything falls to you and becomes very easy. Living your dream brings you close to your essence, to your core. You give up things, comforts for it, and gain other things. Extremely enriching, deep encounters and experiences.

This is how you come to yourself, and there is your inner peace and your true power. Because allowing your dreams and facing them has great power.

Today, I can distinguish very well who is really living their dream – and who is just talking about it. You can feel it in their clarity, gratitude and humility. They took their longing seriously and simply looked for “it”. They didn’t give up until they found “it.”

And I found everything I could find on my extreme adventure trips. Somehow, all of a sudden, it was over!

Now it’s time for new goals that I want to tackle. I want to travel further, get to know people and countries, continue to grow my business, support many more people in giving themselves this freedom and living their best life. But I don’t do anything extreme anymore. I’m satiated. By the way, it is a very nice, peaceful feeling to have arrived like this…

If you have the feeling that “something is still missing in your life”, let me tell you: You are in good company. I like people who are searching, who are up to something, who are not satisfied too quickly – who want more than mediocrity – and I love helping them break through.

Like to follow my travel-Experience? Join my Newsletter.

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As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/Namibia

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaElephant- Adventure in Namibia: As a volunteer in the stony desert of Damaraland, I helped to build a safety wall that protects a small farm’s water reserves against the last wild elephants.

We – four volunteers and three Namibians – carried stones every day, mixed cement, slept on the floor in the dirt and sweated like savages (it was more than 40 degrees and there was hardly any shade…), poured seven liters of water into ourselves every day (I felt like an elephant myself…), without network reception and a shower, rediscovered the deliciousness of a cold coke, cooked on the campfire and experienced a brilliant starry sky at night. Not to mention the bush toilet, from which you had a phenomenal view of the endless expanse…

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaWhat inspired me was the naturalness with which everyone pitched in and gave their best, whether it was me, at 58 years the oldest or the youngest, Lukas, who was just 17 years old: Everything was handemade!

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaThe stones were collected by hand and piled up at the construction site, the cement was mixed in wheelbarrows using biceps-power – this was the most brutal work, by the way – and then the wall was erected in teamwork. One handed cement, another stacked the stones on top of each other. Sometimes I felt like I was doing real slave labor. Then I remembered that there really were people who had to do something like this as slaves – and not just for a week, like us, but for a lifetime.

You will be rewarded every day with the radiant, completely genuine smile of Namibians who live completely in the moment, simply enjoy everything they do, are grateful and make you see life in the same uncomplicated and fundamentally positive way they do.

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaAh, and when at the end of a week like this you stand in front of the wall that you created with your own hands and a colorful team of volunteers – it gives you a real feeling of happiness. What’s more, these walls are truly built to last. In this way, you actually leave a piece of yourself on site that is meaningful, that protects people like elephants, and that gives real satisfaction!

I have often been asked how I came up with the idea of working for EHRA as a volunteer. Well, there were several reasons: On the one hand, years ago I met a lot of volunteers in South Africa and also in Nairobi who were involved in charity projects. They all had a completely different contentness than the usual backpackers or tourists. They seemed completely satisfied, for they had completely different experiences to report; after all, they had come into contact with the country and the people in such a completely different way. That inspired me.

And then, there was the consideration of how I could be in nature without booking one of the usual safaris. Please, don’t get me wrong! I visited the Serengeti back in a time when there were very few vehicles around a lion and you had some animals to yourself. That was a long time ago and I suspect that you don’t find that anywhere in national parks today. But I wanted to keep that memory. So I had to find something that is “off the beaten track”.

And so it became EHRA and the elephant project – and I haven’t regretted it for one day!

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaThat is, because after the drudgery came the reward: We were allowed to go on patrol with the rangers for a week to track the wild elephants. And that was exactly to my taste: these consummate professionals know exactly where to look, they know the animals by name and their habits. So we saw a herd of 17 animals (alone – no other vehicle) splashing around at a waterhole, and were enlightened about the social conditions of these incredible animals: Who is in charge (matriachat :-)), how to read and interpret their tracks, how to determine the age of the animals, how to recognize an elephant pregnancy, and and and.

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaThe highlight was of course the two baby elephants, one only one month old. The name can be chosen by the one who sees the animal for the first time. That’s how the little elephant lady is called Mimi now 🙂

Mimi was to too cute to be true! She was just learning to use her trunk, and was superexciting about that. She was constantly stepping on it or groping next to it – just wonderful to watch. And how curious she was – she even tried to run towards our car, which of course the mom wanted to prevent…

I can only recommend everyone to spend a little time learning about the habits of the wild animals before going into the bush. Our patrols were about nothing more than making sure that the animals keep their ferocity as much and as long as possible, what means: not to get used to humans. Unfortunately, out there we do a lot of things wrong… We drive too close to them, park in their way, provoke with loud noises or bright colors… all things that disturb and change the natural behavior of the animals. So naturally you shouldn’t be surprised if they raid farms and plunder the water supplies. And that ultimately leads to them being shot down. Not a nice game. We can achieve a lot here with knowledge, respect, renunciation of super cool close-ups with the mobile phone (or you just take your heavy camera equipment with you…) and awareness, as by the way everywhere in nature…

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaAs you can see, I’m completely thrilled! And if you – yes YOU – feel the desire to REALLY experience elephants in their natural habitat once in your life, I strongly recommend the project of EHRA!

I can already promise: You won’t regret it if you are looking for something true and original in Namibia!

Links: Ehra

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A true story…

My friend Sabine has pancreatic cancer. We’ve known each other for 38 years, and she used to be the one who consistently did HER STUFF. I learned a lot from her concerning: “I make sure I’m doing well.” Traveling was both of our thing. We had already planned a trip around the world when we were students and I can still see the face of the lady in the travel agency when we presented her with our ingenious itinerary… 😊

At some point, Sabine went through a long phase of “I’ll do it all if…” And “you can’t do that now, you don’t understand it”… She had chosen a different life and was super consistent in it. It is certainly not for me to question her decision or to point fingers. Nevertheless: I deeply feel for her and I dont even want to imagine how she feels when she sees my pictures from South Africa or Namibia…

I don’t want to scare anyone. But it’s not always just “the others” who are affected.

I just wish everyone who feels addressed that they don’t wait too long to take their inner voice seriously. And today I am more convinced than ever that everyone knows deep down what they want. Sometimes it’s buried deep down and there are a lot of “YES BUTs” covering it … pain, fears, doubts… But honestly, folks, none of this is a reason NOT to do it. I’m also terrified of snakes and I’m still going to the desert!

I truly wish that the people who know me will find the courage to face their dreams. No matter what the circumstances are. There are always ways. Paths between black and white that open up when you open yourself. I believe in this because I have experienced it myself and continue to experience it.

If you want to know how I managed to go from “broke and frustrated by Covid” to “I’m living my dream and traveling the world as an entrepreneur with a 6-figure annual income” in two years, then I invite you to my free masterclass. You will learn about the challenges I had to overcome and which skills helped me the most. I’ll reveal one of these skills this evening. You will immediately see the benefits, you can practice them – and when you apply them in your life, you will notice that you are making a realy difference.

To register and for more information just click here…

Like to follow my travel-Experience? Join my Newsletter.

#makeithappen #goforyourdreams  #wiedubekommstwasduwillst #theartofgettingwhatyoureallywant #isayasdreamers #coaching

Between Worlds

I wait for the TK 45 – call to Istanbul and review the last few days.

Because in these last few days, a surprising amount went wrong: Overnight I left my handbag with wallet, passport, mobile phone and everything else that is important in the car on the passenger side. In the morning, the mega shock: Phew, nothing happens! Read more

In conversation with author coach Ulrike Luckmann on the topic: “How the dream of your own book changes your life”

In conversation with author coach Ulrike Luckmann on the topic: "How the dream of your own book changes your life"Today I’m beating the drum for
Ulrike Luckmann
and her new podcast:

How the dream of having your own book changes your life.

Because I was given the opportunity to present my novel and my heartfelt mission here – and I would like to thank you VERY MUCH for that!

Why is that so special?

With my business and coaching approach, I stand for using meaningfulness, satisfaction, dreams and visions as drivers and motivators – and I know that although these basic human needs have now arrived in the economy, they are still only seen as “nice to have” and “add ons”.

They are the first to fall behind when there are bottlenecks. Then, out of old habit, we will once again decide according to market-economy criteria – and NOT from the high vantage point of meaningfulness.

I am all the more pleased that my holistic approach of “being professionally successful with a sense of purpose and self-realization” has long motivated countless people to stay true to themselves and do things “differently”.

So, for those of you who need a shot of inspiration, who feel that “SOMETHING” is missing – and maybe can’t quite put your finger on WHAT it is:

I wish you many valuable insights and the courage to simply get to work:

When it comes to books – best with author coach and book marketing expert
Ulrike Luckmann

Order the book Isaya’s Eyes:

More about the association: or

#self-realization #motivation #visions #goforyourdreams


What if it… in your life?

Dear friends,

I have already written to many of you with my interview request – whether and where you find yourself somewhere in your life, professionally or privately, in a loop from which you cannot find your way out despite all your efforts. And many, VERY many have come forward and talked to me VERY honestly about what is burning under your nails.


Today I would like to give you a brief update on what has resulted from this – because if you take the time, you also want it to be valuable:

In addition to many personal AHA experiences on both sides!!, incredibly nice human contacts and some exciting collaborations, a column in the PERSONAL INTERN has emerged: For several months now, we have been publishing the questions of my interview, the results of the interviews AND their interpretation.

The column is very well received, which shows me that the results I present do not – and I suspected this – confirm what we always THOUGHT were the problems – but give a much deeper insight. So I would almost like to go out on a limb to say: The survey results are quite relevant to socio-political issues!

Curious to read them?

Here is the link to it:

And since my interviews have proven to be so valuable, I decided to continue them! This means: THE PROMOTION WILL BE EXTENDED!

So the many of you who may have slipped through my invitation, or whom I have not yet invited, have the chance to participate again.

Again: Nothing is sold – it’s all anonymous and as a thank you for your 30 minutes of time, I’ll also give you 30 minutes of my time and coach you for free on a topic of your choice – so WIN-WIN for everyone.

PS: To get to know me, there is a little invitation video HERE… ?

You can find the link to participate on my website Just go to GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER FOR FREE and book an appointment.

There are some questions to answer so that I can tune in to you.

Curious? Then I say THANK YOU for participating!

Best wishes

Yours, Conny Schumacher


SMALL but OHO when overwhelmed: TURN THE VOLUME DOWN!

KDo you feel like everything, just EVERYTHING, is getting over your head? Your calendar is bursting at the seams, you don’t know where your head is anymore, you have 3 training courses at the same time and you still have to give a presentation by tomorrow?

One of my most effective tips to get out of this spiral is the hint: “TURN THE VOLUME DOWN”- and today I want to explain to you what I mean by that:

I see it as a suggestion to think about whether you are BINDING to yourself. If you are – like many – the type who always takes on too much and then doesn’t manage half anyway, then you are ALWAYS panting after it. You take on things that you can’t do – and then cancel again.

It does something to us.

It makes us feel like we can never arrive, that we are never good enough. Not being able to trust us. TO BE UNRELIABLE.

And yes – that’s what we are: If we keep canceling appointments and things, our friends and family will eventually think of us as unreliable. This fuels our guilty conscience. We feel more and more uncomfortable – more and more under pressure, more and more in the feeling that we have to defend ourselves or apologize all the time.


The fact is that very successful people don’t lag behind. They also don’t cancel appointments. They don’t overdo themselves. You are the master of your planning – and not the plaything of planning.

What would you like to be?

Then turn down the speed. TURN THE VOLUME DOWN. Rigorously cross out everything from the calendar that is not absolutely necessary, relaxes you or brings you joy. Delete any newsletters that you won’t be able to read anyway. Cancel any subscriptions you don’t use anyway.

BECOME AWARE OF WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT IT – AND HOW YOU MANAGE YOUR TIME! You will notice how the latent permanent stress subsides when the email inbox is only half as full, there are only “nice” appointments in the calendar, and the bad feeling of “being unreliable” falls away from you.

My recommendation: Use this trick for 30 days. If it works, keep it – if not, just leave it at that.

If you are looking for support with this – contact me. I specialize in bringing calm, meaning and clarity into my clients’ lives – because without it, it is quite impossible to create the life we want.

I hope you enjoy implementing it!

Yours, Conny Schumacher

Get to know each other for free, book #erfolg #goforyourdreams #erfolgsgeheimnis #insidertipp #connyschumacher

“Self-realisation only as a self-employed person? Just as employees find fulfillment and satisfaction in their jobs.”

In the last few weeks I have interviewed about 100 people on the topic: “Ihave already achieved a lot” (according to the motto: I should actually be satisfied…), but I feel stuck and am looking for… new challenges, different solutions, explanations, perspectives – that was up to everyone.

There are such interesting insights into what people are concerned about – and what we THINK are on their minds – that I don’t want to withhold these insights from you.

The result was a lecture entitled: “Self-realisation only as a self-employed person? 3 simple skills on how employees can find fulfillment and satisfaction in their jobs.”, and I’ll go into the following points:

    1. What do you stand for? In the sense of “What are you passionate about? What do you get up for in the morning, what is important to you?”
    2. What’s stressing you out the most right now? What is the effect?
    3. What have you already done to get the problem under control?
    4. What would your life look like if nothing changed in the next 2 years?
    5. If you knew how to do it, what specific results would you like to see?
    6. What would make your life a 10 out of 10

In a small excerpt of my speech, let’s take a closer look at point 1: Why do you think I, as a coach, ask this question? What do I really care about?

I want to find out if you have ever dealt with the question of what would fulfill you and make you happy. Because we are only truly fulfilled and happy when we do something that seems MEANINGFUL to us, something that is worth getting up and trying to do.

There are hundreds of studies on this, I’ll just pick one: It has been proven that people who volunteer are far more satisfied in life than others.

Here comes an important piece of information for you – and it doesn’t matter if you are an employee, manager or entrepreneur looking at this information:

If you DON’T live what is important to you in your life, in your job, or in your family – then you have a problem. Then sooner or later you will get sick, because the balancing act between what you want and what you do is unbearable. That’s one of the reasons why people eventually break out of their marriage or quit their job. So it’s not the manager alone, it’s not the overtime, it’s not the pay alone – it’s just not what we think. We are in the wrong place! Often we have the SKILLS – but not the PASSION – that this job requires.

Is this known? Well, from my point of view, the full extent of the connection is not really known. People, no matter what stage of their career, suffer, try to fit in, are afraid of losing their job, they have no one to talk to neutrally, they feel misunderstood and lonely – and become more and more unhappy, dissatisfied – and thus more unproductive. Loose-loose for everyone!

Back to my survey: My evaluation of question 1 yielded the following values:

* 20% had a clear idea of what was important to them
* 80% not

What group of people do you belong to?

And now I ask you:

If 80% of people have never thought about what is IMPORTANT to them, how are they supposed to find a job that suits them, fulfills them and makes them happy?

80%! Please, I’m not saying this in a judgmental way – it’s just a statement. There are thousands of reasons why this is the case – and none of them will take us any further here. From my day-to-day coaching, I can confirm that most people are NOT aware of who they are, what they can do and what they want – therefore do not HAVE what is important to them – and are accordingly frustrated.

But you know EXACTLY what you DON’T want!

Hmmm – does it make me happy when I know what I don’t want? I’ll leave that open…

This, dear ones, is the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY of each and every one of us on the way to living a more contented, happier life. You can’t blame any company in the world for that!

What I’m trying to say: We need to move towards each other if we want to have happy, fulfilled employees. Employees are just as responsible as employers.

What insight do you take away for yourself and your company – just from this first of 6 questions?

And are you curious about what happens next?

Then here comes an interesting offer for you:

Until the end of May 2023, I am offering this lecture to FIVE companies at half price. I see this offer as a “final test phase” in which I only want to fine-tune individual details and also optimize the time management.

If you want to know what value my presentation brings to your company, just go to my website: and let’s talk…

I look forward to your feedback!

Yours, Conny Schumacher

#theartofgettingwhatyouwant #success #erfolg #leidenchaft #dreams #zufriedenheit #selbstverwirklichung #träume