From the life of a digital nomad

From the life of a digital nomad

The initial euphoria has evaporated. Traveling, living out of two suitcases and living in cheap Airbnbs loses a little of its romance. I’ve settled into my everyday life, which doesn’t necessarily look that different from Germany. Work, post, win clients, coach, pay bills… None of that has changed.

Since 16.4. I’m back in Cape Town – and it’s winter now. Around 15-19 degrees, a lot of fog from the Atlantic, no heating in the apartment – as is the case in southern countries – this is the normal everyday life in the life of a digital nomad.

I have a guilty conscience: I wanted to send out a newsletter every two weeks. But I can’t think of anything to write about. Because – what should I tell if there is nothing exciting to report? Do you really want to hear what you all know from Germany?

On top of that, the flu grabs me. Quite violently, in fact. I lie flat, nothing works for almost three weeks – everything is like in Germany… In between, there is a real moral slump: What am I actually doing here, was it worth it? I wanted to travel and now I’m stuck here, too tired to pack my bags again and move on… Is that why I’m here…? What was I actually looking for?


Nevertheless, everything feels a little easier here in Cape Town. Even if it is a foreign country. I don’t know exactly why it is. Is it the appeal of the new that simply makes me more alive? The openness of the people? The sun? The variety?

I don’t know exactly. I only know that I have become at home here. It only took 4 months, and I feel more rooted here than in Munich after over 30 years.

That’s why I decided – and this is really new now: I’ll stay here. I will settle down in Cape Town. In October I will set up my home base here and continue to explore the world from here. And until then, there is still a lot to do.

It feels good, exciting-unexcited, inspiring. Consistent. Simply according to a good plan. A feasible new phase of life. After having arrived.

Fuck the world trip…

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#makeithappen #goforyourdreams #wiedubekommstwasduwillst #theartofgettingwhatyoureallywant #isayasdreamers #coaching

This post is also available in: German

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