What it really means to live your dream

What it really means to live your dream

Since I left Germany and traveled through Africa, my life has changed fundamentally. I’ve totally arrived at myself – and I can keep it. Even if life continues with all its facets on the outside. And it does, even here in the Cape. But I don’t get upset about anything anymore, I’ve come to rest, more relaxed, more satisfied, much more balanced and fulfilled.

The changes in my life

This inner peace and balance have had a lasting influence on my life. I have more energy and time for what is important to me personally: getting to know people of all stripes, building my business in a relaxed way, sharing my experiences, continuing my education and giving more and more people the chance to come into their own power. I am actually living my dream. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize: IT’S NO LONGER A DREAM – IT’S REAL!

Dreams as a signpost for the soul

The fact is: Everyone has dreams – and everyone dreams of different things. Often for years, only in the head, as an escape from the monotonous everyday life. Today I know that dreams and longings are signposts of the soul. They show you deficits, things that are important to you, but that you deny yourself for some reason. And believe me: This is completely normal!

My Journey – Ups and Downs

It was also a journey with many ups and downs for me. How often have I been “close”, but fears, doubts, security thinking and comfort have held me back. The years passed without me really perceiving my longings and taking them seriously. Until I had the courage to actually tackle my “long forgotten dream”. And now this longing has found its final destination here at the Cape. Which was never planned, but turned out very coherently. I just feel very comfortable here (sorry…).

The decisive moment

When I am asked: “Conny, what was your game changer?” I can only say: “It was not, as expected, the opportunity from the outside. It was the deep realization that I had to decide and do it – otherwise nothing would change. Stand by yourself, let your desires speak to you – and be ready to jump when the chance arises.”

Courage and strategic action

It takes courage, yes. But an individual lifestyle always requires a lot of courage. But it’s worth it, because it’s infinitely liberating! You don’t have to chase blindly. You can – and should – approach it very maturely and strategically.

An honest conclusion

However, I have to tell you one more thing: Living the dream is not always easy. Sometimes even more difficult than the old life. But it’s more fulfilling!

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#makeithappen #goforyourdreams #wiedubekommstwasduwillst #theartofgettingwhatyoureallywant #isayasdreamers #coaching

This post is also available in: German

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