Passion – The key to your own personal quality of life

A client of mine suffered from Parkinson’s disease. He came to me because he wanted to learn how to deal better with his situation. His attitude was one that I often observe in people: “I have to be satisfied with what is and make the most of it.” Yes and no, I would say. Because a life in which one only comes to terms with it can often resemble the feeling of being buried alive. You can stand it – but it’s not fun. And then you also feel ungrateful, because what you have is not enough. But others are much worse off… Back to my client. In such moments, as a coach, I always ask: *What makes you shine?* What gives you energy and joy? Which goal or project is so inspiring that you like to move? His dream was to conquer an Alpine pass by bike. “Impossible with the disease,” said his family, his friends, the doctors – and finally himself. He became more and more depressed. I told him that I trusted him to do it and would support him in making it happen – if he wanted to tackle it. I don’t think he thought it was possible, but the idea of doing something cool instead of always focusing on the problem made him nod enthusiastically. Of course, he had his doubts. But he also had someone who believed in him and took him seriously. After initial doubts, he totally blossomed. He looked for a personal trainer and began to work on himself in a very disciplined way – with me on the mindset, with the PT on the physique. Within a few weeks, his posture and thus his appearance changed. He walked more confidently, more upright, radiated determination and looked people in the face, no longer at the ground. He didn’t care that he stumbled every now and then and needed help. He accepted that there were limits, but looked for ways to overcome them anyway. Gratitude became the engine, no longer the brake. What others thought suddenly no longer mattered. I will never forget the day we bought his bike – rarely have I seen a person beam so happily. And shortly afterwards he even had a job again and a nice, young girlfriend… Why am I telling you this story? Often we are so entangled in our everyday consciousness that we only decide what is possible from this “narrow thinking” (and many things do not seem possible). In doing so, we are moving further and further away from our liveliness and passion. But it is precisely these that are the engine for a great, fulfilling and moving life. That’s why I stick to it: **GO FOR YOUR DREAMS**, plan something, and follow the voice of the heart, is more than just a crazy idea. It is the key to a vibrant and fulfilled life. — You feel tired, drained, dissatisfied and have the feeling that you have lost yourself in the maelstrom of everyday life – but don’t want to just accept it? Then get in touch with me. I currently have two coaching places left – and the successes of my method are really impressive. I am Conny Schumacher, a graduate sports economist and master coach with almost 30 years of professional experience. I am “the ace up my sleeve” of passionate and fundamentally successful people who are “stuck somewhere” and/or feel deep inside themselves “that there must be more”. I support them in discovering and walking the paths that make them happier and effortlessly more successful from their current point of view – on all levels.   #coaching #goforyourdream #theartofgettingwhatyouwant #zielesetzenunderreichen #motiation #selbstverwirklichung

The superiority when outstanding skills meet intuition

In an interview, Jamal Musiala was asked how he decides what to do in each situation – because that’s what makes him so unpredictable for his opponents and thus so incredibly effective and successful. His answer was that of a true virtuoso: he said he didn’t think twice. He simply knows this, and acts automatically. Brilliant, unconventional – and incredibly successful, as we all know! He combines outstanding skill with the gift of intuitively deciding what is right in every situation – a form of gut intelligence that makes the difference between outstanding and outstanding! What if you could use this superiority for yourself through gut feeling and gut intelligence? Would you be interested in always being able to decide a little faster and more precisely when which of your learned skills is the right one? Would you like to be able to read the currents beneath the surface in order to instinctively know how to address whom and when, in order to always achieve an optimal result? Which decision is the right one at that exact moment, even if it is sometimes inexplicable? Can you imagine how that has changed your life and your success?

? The good news is: My Master’s Coaching enables you to do just that. They don’t just learn skills; I give you the confidence and inner knowledge of when to use what and how, in order to intuitively always make the right decision – and thus be effortlessly more successful.

“Coaching is not for men!”

In the last few weeks, I have conducted many highly interesting interviews with entrepreneurs, managing directors, professors, i.e. real pillars of our economy and society. I wanted to find out which men are open to coaching, what moves them and how I can be of use with my goal-oriented master coaching approach. Who is open? Successful men in the upper third of the social structure with above-average incomes, who have achieved a lot and are highly intrinsic and motivated by real values (money, career or power were never the issue). What results do men expect when they are coached? The result really amazed me: None! They often have no idea what they want to achieve as a measurable result, as proof of change. They are no different from women! What are their uses? The feedback was: “I was surprised how valuable it is to simply get out of the usual train of thought. Your questions brought new ideas, insights, clarity and solutions. I often miss such conversations in everyday life!” What insights did I have? I was impressed by how uncomplicated, factual and fast we came up with many essential points. Men – if they get involved – find clarity much faster than women. Men can be coached extremely well if coaching is used correctly: Hold the space, ask specific questions that pursue a clear structure and objectives and, above all, accompany them through the process in a non-judgmental way. This opens up new thoughts, perspectives and thus insights and possibilities. Most were surprised by the effectiveness of this method. Everyone was able to take something valuable with them and will make something out of it. Because the goal of coaching is not to present a solution, but to lift the veil of the hidden in order to recognize connections that reveal other possible solutions. To create a decision or solution from this, men are usually pretty good at it! What do men need to benefit even more from coaching? First and foremost, it probably needs education and positive experiences. There are many problems of demarcation and definition. Coaching is neither esotericism nor counseling nor therapy. Master coaching, as I use it, is based on findings from brain research and forces you to think differently. Because if you think differently, you will achieve different results. Unagitated, factual and quite logical. Actually a real men’s method 🙂

How does a woman avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed?

In many offices, this is a permanent state: You are juggling several deadlines at the same time and fear losing track of them under the constant stress. Especially women who also manage the demands of family and children know the feeling of “I can’t do it all” and the guilty conscience when something falls by the wayside. They then ask me desperately: “Conny, what do successful women do differently?” Well, of course there are tips for an equalized schedule. But the probability that you know all these tips, but still don’t feel up to it, is quite high. Because to really experience a transformation, it’s about more: It’s about your mindset and developing skills, how to channel your own demands and take others into responsibility. Nevertheless, here are some tried and tested tips – of course mega superficial, as tips are – simply as a suggestion of what works. Tip 1: EAT THE FROG FIRST What action can you take to bring about change the fastest? Where is the most important bottleneck at the moment? Dedicate the first hour(s) of the day to this point. During this time: No distractions allowed. No phone, no e-mails, no children – nothing! If you have done this for several weeks, you will already notice the first differences. You come back in front of the “bow wave”. Tip 2: Maintain proven habits Of course, it’s important to stick to your tried and tested habits in stressful phases – meditation, good nutrition, exercise – anything that gives you balance is elementary. Why? Because otherwise you’re signaling to yourself that it’s all just stupid stuff that isn’t really worth your time. Tip 3: Stay professional and untouched I know this is the biggest challenge, but also the most important lesson: Stay completely “unattached” in this situation. It’s one thing to manage this situation, and another not to identify with a stressed person or let yourself be pushed into that role. YOU remain the mistress in the ring! Believe me, if you’ve learned that, you’ll feel better. You will be able to deal with difficult tasks in a cooler way in the future. — I’m Conny Schumacher, a graduate sports economist and master coach, with almost 30 years of professional experience. I am ‘the ace up my sleeve’ of passionate and fundamentally successful people who are ‘stuck somewhere’ and/or feel deep inside themselves ‘that there must be more’. I support them in discovering and walking the paths that make them happier and effortlessly more successful from their current point of view – on all levels. You don’t want to miss any of my posts and follow my travel impressions regularly? Sign >>up HERE<< for my free and non-binding newsletter . #makeithappen #goforyourdreams #wiedubekommstwasduwillst #isayasdreamers #coaching, #Produktivität #Zeitmanagement #Stressbewältigung #EatTheFrog #WorkLifeBalance #Motivation #Coaching #Erfolg #theartofgettingwhatyouwant

We learn NOTHING from success – nothing at all. But from mistakes? All. Every single mistake has the potential to take us really far!

What bothers me in our world is that we often only carry success to the outside world. What we don’t show are the many times we’ve fallen down, gotten up again, and tried again until we succeeded. Why? Because it’s the RESULT that counts, not the way to get there. Nevertheless, success is the result of mistakes. Without mistakes, there is no success. Only mediocrity. Sorry, that’s the way it is. I know there are an infinite number of you out there who are struggling hard right now with having made “mistakes” and are wondering how you can get back on the road to success. So ladies: Let’s talk about mistakes! The good news for all of you: You are not alone and your situation is not hopeless. It only takes one twist! God, how many times have I made mistakes and felt small and bad because of them. I come from a sports background and know that you only learn from mistakes. But it took me a while to realize that this way of dealing with mistakes is important not only in sports, but in life in general. Until I realized that I was slipping further and further into a downward spiral due to my negative attitude towards mistakes. Because I didn’t learn from it what would help me move forward. It got better when I got support and changed my mindset. I didn’t talk much about it, I just did it – and step by step it got better. It was like it used to be in training. Doing the right things right. Just do it, even if it hurts. Refect, analyze and repeat. With a system and someone at my side who had a plan, believed in me, knew what to do, caught me and supported me. A really cool coach. Hence my appeal to you: Have the courage to get support. It doesn’t always have to be therapy. You are not wrong or sick just because you reproach yourself when you have made the most natural thing in the world: A MISTAKE! By the way, my credo today on mistakes is: NO HARM WITHOUT BENEFIT and with this attitude, mistakes get the importance they deserve. They are a valuable contribution to further development. So: Stay strong, be brave, and don’t forget: every mistake brings you closer to success. — I currently have two coaching places available. So if you want to trim your mindset for success, deal with personal challenges differently, become more and more relaxed, cheerful and successful, and if your goal is to create a life that develops according to your wishes – then book a free introductory appointment at – and let’s talk!

HashtagCourageForVulnerability HashtagStrongWomen SuccessThroughMistakes

Fine perception: a gift and a challenge

“Conny, I’m so sensitive – I get everything…” Women in particular often confide in me that they are “stuck” due to their fine perception and preferences. They then say things like: “I’m not so stubborn in terms of the zodiac sign”, “My human design is not made for this” or “The stars are unfavourable right now, I’m waiting for a better phase”. I also often hear: “My partner/boss/colleague is a toxic narcissist” or “I’m still waiting for the portal days”. When I ask what the worst thing about it is, I hear: “People just don’t understand me” – and that makes me sad and lonely. Understanding and recognition FIRST OF ALL: I take this super seriously. We humans have “presets” and feel vibrations, and women often have a very fine sixth sense, an extremely fine perception. The more we deal with ourselves, the more subtle we become. This means: Of course, we perceive these default settings, disturbances and currents. That can be very stressful, absolutely. I myself have superfine antennae, extremely trained through years of sports and many adventures. I feel things before they happen. So the question is not whether what we perceive is true, but how do we deal with it so that it does not burden us, but is beneficial? After all, fine perception is a great gift per se. Four Steps to Dealing with Fine Perception Here are my 4-step recommendations on how to deal with it sensibly: Step 1: Notice it, acknowledge it – but don’t get stuck in it. So much is cleared up when you trust your preferences and senses. I was extremely enriched when I read my Human Design. I suddenly understood a lot of things that I had always felt but couldn’t grasp. But please: Don’t let this knowledge dictate your life. Consistently carry on in your daily life as if nothing is happening – do what you have to do, even if it is more arduous on some days or with some people than others. Success is achieved by those who regularly do what they need to do. It doesn’t matter whether he feels like it or not. No matter if the sun is shining or not. Step 2: Keep the energy with you. Moods are energy and therefore absolutely neutral. The best way to differentiate yourself is to distinguish between sensitivities and “it really doesn’t work” by directing your attention to yourself. Here’s to YOU! Not on your sensitivities! So instead of telling everyone your story and exuding yourself (your energy), consciously keep it with you. Do what helps you to stay with yourself in the moment – and do it very consciously: meditation, sports, work, being in service for others, going for walks, sleeping a lot, eating something good… Step 3: Use your antennas wisely. Find a job where your antennas can be used sensibly! Because they are there – and if you don’t give them a task, they will always interfere in your life. They need something to do. One that is beneficial to you. Step 4: Transform it! I now use “presets” as an indication of where I have optimization potential. The power of habit and persuasion is strong, but I know that I can change any habits that are not conducive to me. Anyone can do it. So if you suffer from the default attitude “I am/that’s just the way it is” and are not satisfied with it, you can definitely learn to change it. Final Thoughts We often talk about becoming the best version of ourselves. From my point of view, this means: transforming unfavorable habits, preferences, currents and vibrations in such a way that you are more and more “with yourself”. To focus on what needs to be done. Without sensitivities. Do you feel addressed? Then let’s talk….

What it really means to live your dream

Since I left Germany and traveled through Africa, my life has changed fundamentally. I’ve totally arrived at myself – and I can keep it. Even if life continues with all its facets on the outside. And it does, even here in the Cape. But I don’t get upset about anything anymore, I’ve come to rest, more relaxed, more satisfied, much more balanced and fulfilled.

The changes in my life

This inner peace and balance have had a lasting influence on my life. I have more energy and time for what is important to me personally: getting to know people of all stripes, building my business in a relaxed way, sharing my experiences, continuing my education and giving more and more people the chance to come into their own power. I am actually living my dream. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize: IT’S NO LONGER A DREAM – IT’S REAL!

Dreams as a signpost for the soul

The fact is: Everyone has dreams – and everyone dreams of different things. Often for years, only in the head, as an escape from the monotonous everyday life. Today I know that dreams and longings are signposts of the soul. They show you deficits, things that are important to you, but that you deny yourself for some reason. And believe me: This is completely normal!

My Journey – Ups and Downs

It was also a journey with many ups and downs for me. How often have I been “close”, but fears, doubts, security thinking and comfort have held me back. The years passed without me really perceiving my longings and taking them seriously. Until I had the courage to actually tackle my “long forgotten dream”. And now this longing has found its final destination here at the Cape. Which was never planned, but turned out very coherently. I just feel very comfortable here (sorry…).

The decisive moment

When I am asked: “Conny, what was your game changer?” I can only say: “It was not, as expected, the opportunity from the outside. It was the deep realization that I had to decide and do it – otherwise nothing would change. Stand by yourself, let your desires speak to you – and be ready to jump when the chance arises.”

Courage and strategic action

It takes courage, yes. But an individual lifestyle always requires a lot of courage. But it’s worth it, because it’s infinitely liberating! You don’t have to chase blindly. You can – and should – approach it very maturely and strategically.

An honest conclusion

However, I have to tell you one more thing: Living the dream is not always easy. Sometimes even more difficult than the old life. But it’s more fulfilling!

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From the life of a digital nomad

The initial euphoria has evaporated. Traveling, living out of two suitcases and living in cheap Airbnbs loses a little of its romance. I’ve settled into my everyday life, which doesn’t necessarily look that different from Germany. Work, post, win clients, coach, pay bills… None of that has changed.

Since 16.4. I’m back in Cape Town – and it’s winter now. Around 15-19 degrees, a lot of fog from the Atlantic, no heating in the apartment – as is the case in southern countries – this is the normal everyday life in the life of a digital nomad.

I have a guilty conscience: I wanted to send out a newsletter every two weeks. But I can’t think of anything to write about. Because – what should I tell if there is nothing exciting to report? Do you really want to hear what you all know from Germany?

On top of that, the flu grabs me. Quite violently, in fact. I lie flat, nothing works for almost three weeks – everything is like in Germany… In between, there is a real moral slump: What am I actually doing here, was it worth it? I wanted to travel and now I’m stuck here, too tired to pack my bags again and move on… Is that why I’m here…? What was I actually looking for?


Nevertheless, everything feels a little easier here in Cape Town. Even if it is a foreign country. I don’t know exactly why it is. Is it the appeal of the new that simply makes me more alive? The openness of the people? The sun? The variety?

I don’t know exactly. I only know that I have become at home here. It only took 4 months, and I feel more rooted here than in Munich after over 30 years.

That’s why I decided – and this is really new now: I’ll stay here. I will settle down in Cape Town. In October I will set up my home base here and continue to explore the world from here. And until then, there is still a lot to do.

It feels good, exciting-unexcited, inspiring. Consistent. Simply according to a good plan. A feasible new phase of life. After having arrived.

Fuck the world trip…

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After the dream is before the dream!

Great experiences bring deep insights. That’s how I always felt when I came back from a challenging adventure tour. Be it cycling to Moscow, my crossings of the Alps, my desert hikes or now that I’ve been back from the desert elephants.

But this time something is completely different: These extreme tours no longer appeal to me. I’m satiated!

Something has changed.

I actually found the answer to what I was looking for “out there” in my life. “Outside” I felt very close to myself. Strong and vulnerable at the same time. Because in nature you are vulnerable. But also very authentic. Approachable and honest.

Living your dream doesn’t mean that everything falls to you and becomes very easy. Living your dream brings you close to your essence, to your core. You give up things, comforts for it, and gain other things. Extremely enriching, deep encounters and experiences.

This is how you come to yourself, and there is your inner peace and your true power. Because allowing your dreams and facing them has great power.

Today, I can distinguish very well who is really living their dream – and who is just talking about it. You can feel it in their clarity, gratitude and humility. They took their longing seriously and simply looked for “it”. They didn’t give up until they found “it.”

And I found everything I could find on my extreme adventure trips. Somehow, all of a sudden, it was over!

Now it’s time for new goals that I want to tackle. I want to travel further, get to know people and countries, continue to grow my business, support many more people in giving themselves this freedom and living their best life. But I don’t do anything extreme anymore. I’m satiated. By the way, it is a very nice, peaceful feeling to have arrived like this…

If you have the feeling that “something is still missing in your life”, let me tell you: You are in good company. I like people who are searching, who are up to something, who are not satisfied too quickly – who want more than mediocrity – and I love helping them break through.

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As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/Namibia

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaElephant- Adventure in Namibia: As a volunteer in the stony desert of Damaraland, I helped to build a safety wall that protects a small farm’s water reserves against the last wild elephants.

We – four volunteers and three Namibians – carried stones every day, mixed cement, slept on the floor in the dirt and sweated like savages (it was more than 40 degrees and there was hardly any shade…), poured seven liters of water into ourselves every day (I felt like an elephant myself…), without network reception and a shower, rediscovered the deliciousness of a cold coke, cooked on the campfire and experienced a brilliant starry sky at night. Not to mention the bush toilet, from which you had a phenomenal view of the endless expanse…

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaWhat inspired me was the naturalness with which everyone pitched in and gave their best, whether it was me, at 58 years the oldest or the youngest, Lukas, who was just 17 years old: Everything was handemade!

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaThe stones were collected by hand and piled up at the construction site, the cement was mixed in wheelbarrows using biceps-power – this was the most brutal work, by the way – and then the wall was erected in teamwork. One handed cement, another stacked the stones on top of each other. Sometimes I felt like I was doing real slave labor. Then I remembered that there really were people who had to do something like this as slaves – and not just for a week, like us, but for a lifetime.

You will be rewarded every day with the radiant, completely genuine smile of Namibians who live completely in the moment, simply enjoy everything they do, are grateful and make you see life in the same uncomplicated and fundamentally positive way they do.

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaAh, and when at the end of a week like this you stand in front of the wall that you created with your own hands and a colorful team of volunteers – it gives you a real feeling of happiness. What’s more, these walls are truly built to last. In this way, you actually leave a piece of yourself on site that is meaningful, that protects people like elephants, and that gives real satisfaction!

I have often been asked how I came up with the idea of working for EHRA as a volunteer. Well, there were several reasons: On the one hand, years ago I met a lot of volunteers in South Africa and also in Nairobi who were involved in charity projects. They all had a completely different contentness than the usual backpackers or tourists. They seemed completely satisfied, for they had completely different experiences to report; after all, they had come into contact with the country and the people in such a completely different way. That inspired me.

And then, there was the consideration of how I could be in nature without booking one of the usual safaris. Please, don’t get me wrong! I visited the Serengeti back in a time when there were very few vehicles around a lion and you had some animals to yourself. That was a long time ago and I suspect that you don’t find that anywhere in national parks today. But I wanted to keep that memory. So I had to find something that is “off the beaten track”.

And so it became EHRA and the elephant project – and I haven’t regretted it for one day!

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaThat is, because after the drudgery came the reward: We were allowed to go on patrol with the rangers for a week to track the wild elephants. And that was exactly to my taste: these consummate professionals know exactly where to look, they know the animals by name and their habits. So we saw a herd of 17 animals (alone – no other vehicle) splashing around at a waterhole, and were enlightened about the social conditions of these incredible animals: Who is in charge (matriachat :-)), how to read and interpret their tracks, how to determine the age of the animals, how to recognize an elephant pregnancy, and and and.

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaThe highlight was of course the two baby elephants, one only one month old. The name can be chosen by the one who sees the animal for the first time. That’s how the little elephant lady is called Mimi now 🙂

Mimi was to too cute to be true! She was just learning to use her trunk, and was superexciting about that. She was constantly stepping on it or groping next to it – just wonderful to watch. And how curious she was – she even tried to run towards our car, which of course the mom wanted to prevent…

I can only recommend everyone to spend a little time learning about the habits of the wild animals before going into the bush. Our patrols were about nothing more than making sure that the animals keep their ferocity as much and as long as possible, what means: not to get used to humans. Unfortunately, out there we do a lot of things wrong… We drive too close to them, park in their way, provoke with loud noises or bright colors… all things that disturb and change the natural behavior of the animals. So naturally you shouldn’t be surprised if they raid farms and plunder the water supplies. And that ultimately leads to them being shot down. Not a nice game. We can achieve a lot here with knowledge, respect, renunciation of super cool close-ups with the mobile phone (or you just take your heavy camera equipment with you…) and awareness, as by the way everywhere in nature…

As a volunteer with the desert elephants in Damaraland/NamibiaAs you can see, I’m completely thrilled! And if you – yes YOU – feel the desire to REALLY experience elephants in their natural habitat once in your life, I strongly recommend the project of EHRA!

I can already promise: You won’t regret it if you are looking for something true and original in Namibia!

Links: Ehra

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