Fine perception: a gift and a challenge

Fine perception: a gift and a challenge

“Conny, I’m so sensitive – I get everything…” Women in particular often confide in me that they are “stuck” due to their fine perception and preferences. They then say things like: “I’m not so stubborn in terms of the zodiac sign”, “My human design is not made for this” or “The stars are unfavourable right now, I’m waiting for a better phase”. I also often hear: “My partner/boss/colleague is a toxic narcissist” or “I’m still waiting for the portal days”. When I ask what the worst thing about it is, I hear: “People just don’t understand me” – and that makes me sad and lonely. Understanding and recognition FIRST OF ALL: I take this super seriously. We humans have “presets” and feel vibrations, and women often have a very fine sixth sense, an extremely fine perception. The more we deal with ourselves, the more subtle we become. This means: Of course, we perceive these default settings, disturbances and currents. That can be very stressful, absolutely. I myself have superfine antennae, extremely trained through years of sports and many adventures. I feel things before they happen. So the question is not whether what we perceive is true, but how do we deal with it so that it does not burden us, but is beneficial? After all, fine perception is a great gift per se. Four Steps to Dealing with Fine Perception Here are my 4-step recommendations on how to deal with it sensibly: Step 1: Notice it, acknowledge it – but don’t get stuck in it. So much is cleared up when you trust your preferences and senses. I was extremely enriched when I read my Human Design. I suddenly understood a lot of things that I had always felt but couldn’t grasp. But please: Don’t let this knowledge dictate your life. Consistently carry on in your daily life as if nothing is happening – do what you have to do, even if it is more arduous on some days or with some people than others. Success is achieved by those who regularly do what they need to do. It doesn’t matter whether he feels like it or not. No matter if the sun is shining or not. Step 2: Keep the energy with you. Moods are energy and therefore absolutely neutral. The best way to differentiate yourself is to distinguish between sensitivities and “it really doesn’t work” by directing your attention to yourself. Here’s to YOU! Not on your sensitivities! So instead of telling everyone your story and exuding yourself (your energy), consciously keep it with you. Do what helps you to stay with yourself in the moment – and do it very consciously: meditation, sports, work, being in service for others, going for walks, sleeping a lot, eating something good… Step 3: Use your antennas wisely. Find a job where your antennas can be used sensibly! Because they are there – and if you don’t give them a task, they will always interfere in your life. They need something to do. One that is beneficial to you. Step 4: Transform it! I now use “presets” as an indication of where I have optimization potential. The power of habit and persuasion is strong, but I know that I can change any habits that are not conducive to me. Anyone can do it. So if you suffer from the default attitude “I am/that’s just the way it is” and are not satisfied with it, you can definitely learn to change it. Final Thoughts We often talk about becoming the best version of ourselves. From my point of view, this means: transforming unfavorable habits, preferences, currents and vibrations in such a way that you are more and more “with yourself”. To focus on what needs to be done. Without sensitivities. Do you feel addressed? Then let’s talk….

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