How does a woman avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed?

How does a woman avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed?

In many offices, this is a permanent state: You are juggling several deadlines at the same time and fear losing track of them under the constant stress. Especially women who also manage the demands of family and children know the feeling of “I can’t do it all” and the guilty conscience when something falls by the wayside. They then ask me desperately: “Conny, what do successful women do differently?” Well, of course there are tips for an equalized schedule. But the probability that you know all these tips, but still don’t feel up to it, is quite high. Because to really experience a transformation, it’s about more: It’s about your mindset and developing skills, how to channel your own demands and take others into responsibility. Nevertheless, here are some tried and tested tips – of course mega superficial, as tips are – simply as a suggestion of what works. Tip 1: EAT THE FROG FIRST What action can you take to bring about change the fastest? Where is the most important bottleneck at the moment? Dedicate the first hour(s) of the day to this point. During this time: No distractions allowed. No phone, no e-mails, no children – nothing! If you have done this for several weeks, you will already notice the first differences. You come back in front of the “bow wave”. Tip 2: Maintain proven habits Of course, it’s important to stick to your tried and tested habits in stressful phases – meditation, good nutrition, exercise – anything that gives you balance is elementary. Why? Because otherwise you’re signaling to yourself that it’s all just stupid stuff that isn’t really worth your time. Tip 3: Stay professional and untouched I know this is the biggest challenge, but also the most important lesson: Stay completely “unattached” in this situation. It’s one thing to manage this situation, and another not to identify with a stressed person or let yourself be pushed into that role. YOU remain the mistress in the ring! Believe me, if you’ve learned that, you’ll feel better. You will be able to deal with difficult tasks in a cooler way in the future. — I’m Conny Schumacher, a graduate sports economist and master coach, with almost 30 years of professional experience. I am ‘the ace up my sleeve’ of passionate and fundamentally successful people who are ‘stuck somewhere’ and/or feel deep inside themselves ‘that there must be more’. I support them in discovering and walking the paths that make them happier and effortlessly more successful from their current point of view – on all levels. You don’t want to miss any of my posts and follow my travel impressions regularly? Sign >>up HERE<< for my free and non-binding newsletter . #makeithappen #goforyourdreams #wiedubekommstwasduwillst #isayasdreamers #coaching, #Produktivität #Zeitmanagement #Stressbewältigung #EatTheFrog #WorkLifeBalance #Motivation #Coaching #Erfolg #theartofgettingwhatyouwant

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