Do you know the power of your "superpower"?

Do you know the power of your “superpower”?

If two people do the same thing and one is significantly more successful than the other, there can be many causes.
One is certainly that the successful person makes the best use of his or her individual strength in the right environment.
Then things “slip” as if by magic: everything becomes clear, honest, uncomplicated – and thus more successful.
You don’t understand why others struggle so hard… Do you know your superpower? My superpower is an unerring sense of what to do in the next moment.
Clear, sober, strategic, intuitive, from the gut.
I see the solution, the next step, the path crystal clear in front of me, I literally smell what makes sense next.
I can trust this impulse blindly; he has guided me through many really difficult situations in my life.
It’s not for nothing that I have the nickname “Stehaufmännchen”.
🙂 If I trusted him, he has never misled me.
Sometimes that means doing NOTHING, sometimes waiting, and sometimes it means going full throttle.
I can’t predict it.
He’s just there.
Highly developed through years of survival training on hikes through the desert, over the mountains, in sports and in 30 years of self-employment. How can my superpower be valuable to you? I know from my own experience how difficult it can be to see the next step, especially when you’re in a crisis or feel stuck.
This is exactly where my superpower comes into play and becomes the proverbial “ace up your sleeve”.
I also see the path ahead of me with my clients crystal clear and the steps that need to be taken strategically next out of a crisis.
If you get involved and we are a team, then it saves you a lot of money, a lot of nerves, a lot of strength and many wrong decisions.
You can tell by comments like: “It’s amazing how quickly you caught yourself again” or “I didn’t think you’d be able to do it so quickly”… And of course, you can see it in your measurable results.
However, it only works if we are a team and work together towards a goal – whether it’s getting back on our feet after a wrong career decision or achieving a goal that has not come any closer so far.
I just see it.
I can trust my senses 100%.
I have built my entire life on it.
My superpower is perfectly used wherever I am, live and do business.
Does that mean I never have challenges?
God forbid.
It just means that I won’t let it drive me crazy because I know that I’ll get it back under control quickly. What is your superpower, and how do you use it to your advantage?  #coaching #goforyourdream #theartofgettingwhatyouwant #zielesetzenunderreichen #motiation #selbstverwirklichung coaching

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