Passion – The key to your own personal quality of life

A client of mine suffered from Parkinson’s disease. He came to me because he wanted to learn how to deal better with his situation. His attitude was one that I often observe in people: “I have to be satisfied with what is and make the most of it.” Yes and no, I would say. Because a life in which one only comes to terms with it can often resemble the feeling of being buried alive. You can stand it – but it’s not fun. And then you also feel ungrateful, because what you have is not enough. But others are much worse off… Back to my client. In such moments, as a coach, I always ask: *What makes you shine?* What gives you energy and joy? Which goal or project is so inspiring that you like to move? His dream was to conquer an Alpine pass by bike. “Impossible with the disease,” said his family, his friends, the doctors – and finally himself. He became more and more depressed. I told him that I trusted him to do it and would support him in making it happen – if he wanted to tackle it. I don’t think he thought it was possible, but the idea of doing something cool instead of always focusing on the problem made him nod enthusiastically. Of course, he had his doubts. But he also had someone who believed in him and took him seriously. After initial doubts, he totally blossomed. He looked for a personal trainer and began to work on himself in a very disciplined way – with me on the mindset, with the PT on the physique. Within a few weeks, his posture and thus his appearance changed. He walked more confidently, more upright, radiated determination and looked people in the face, no longer at the ground. He didn’t care that he stumbled every now and then and needed help. He accepted that there were limits, but looked for ways to overcome them anyway. Gratitude became the engine, no longer the brake. What others thought suddenly no longer mattered. I will never forget the day we bought his bike – rarely have I seen a person beam so happily. And shortly afterwards he even had a job again and a nice, young girlfriend… Why am I telling you this story? Often we are so entangled in our everyday consciousness that we only decide what is possible from this “narrow thinking” (and many things do not seem possible). In doing so, we are moving further and further away from our liveliness and passion. But it is precisely these that are the engine for a great, fulfilling and moving life. That’s why I stick to it: **GO FOR YOUR DREAMS**, plan something, and follow the voice of the heart, is more than just a crazy idea. It is the key to a vibrant and fulfilled life. — You feel tired, drained, dissatisfied and have the feeling that you have lost yourself in the maelstrom of everyday life – but don’t want to just accept it? Then get in touch with me. I currently have two coaching places left – and the successes of my method are really impressive. I am Conny Schumacher, a graduate sports economist and master coach with almost 30 years of professional experience. I am “the ace up my sleeve” of passionate and fundamentally successful people who are “stuck somewhere” and/or feel deep inside themselves “that there must be more”. I support them in discovering and walking the paths that make them happier and effortlessly more successful from their current point of view – on all levels.   #coaching #goforyourdream #theartofgettingwhatyouwant #zielesetzenunderreichen #motiation #selbstverwirklichung

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