"Coaching is not for men!"

“Coaching is not for men!”

In the last few weeks, I have conducted many highly interesting interviews with entrepreneurs, managing directors, professors, i.e. real pillars of our economy and society. I wanted to find out which men are open to coaching, what moves them and how I can be of use with my goal-oriented master coaching approach. Who is open? Successful men in the upper third of the social structure with above-average incomes, who have achieved a lot and are highly intrinsic and motivated by real values (money, career or power were never the issue). What results do men expect when they are coached? The result really amazed me: None! They often have no idea what they want to achieve as a measurable result, as proof of change. They are no different from women! What are their uses? The feedback was: “I was surprised how valuable it is to simply get out of the usual train of thought. Your questions brought new ideas, insights, clarity and solutions. I often miss such conversations in everyday life!” What insights did I have? I was impressed by how uncomplicated, factual and fast we came up with many essential points. Men – if they get involved – find clarity much faster than women. Men can be coached extremely well if coaching is used correctly: Hold the space, ask specific questions that pursue a clear structure and objectives and, above all, accompany them through the process in a non-judgmental way. This opens up new thoughts, perspectives and thus insights and possibilities. Most were surprised by the effectiveness of this method. Everyone was able to take something valuable with them and will make something out of it. Because the goal of coaching is not to present a solution, but to lift the veil of the hidden in order to recognize connections that reveal other possible solutions. To create a decision or solution from this, men are usually pretty good at it! What do men need to benefit even more from coaching? First and foremost, it probably needs education and positive experiences. There are many problems of demarcation and definition. Coaching is neither esotericism nor counseling nor therapy. Master coaching, as I use it, is based on findings from brain research and forces you to think differently. Because if you think differently, you will achieve different results. Unagitated, factual and quite logical. Actually a real men’s method 🙂

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