We learn NOTHING from success – nothing at all. But from mistakes? All. Every single mistake has the potential to take us really far!

We learn NOTHING from success – nothing at all. But from mistakes? All. Every single mistake has the potential to take us really far!

What bothers me in our world is that we often only carry success to the outside world. What we don’t show are the many times we’ve fallen down, gotten up again, and tried again until we succeeded. Why? Because it’s the RESULT that counts, not the way to get there. Nevertheless, success is the result of mistakes. Without mistakes, there is no success. Only mediocrity. Sorry, that’s the way it is. I know there are an infinite number of you out there who are struggling hard right now with having made “mistakes” and are wondering how you can get back on the road to success. So ladies: Let’s talk about mistakes! The good news for all of you: You are not alone and your situation is not hopeless. It only takes one twist! God, how many times have I made mistakes and felt small and bad because of them. I come from a sports background and know that you only learn from mistakes. But it took me a while to realize that this way of dealing with mistakes is important not only in sports, but in life in general. Until I realized that I was slipping further and further into a downward spiral due to my negative attitude towards mistakes. Because I didn’t learn from it what would help me move forward. It got better when I got support and changed my mindset. I didn’t talk much about it, I just did it – and step by step it got better. It was like it used to be in training. Doing the right things right. Just do it, even if it hurts. Refect, analyze and repeat. With a system and someone at my side who had a plan, believed in me, knew what to do, caught me and supported me. A really cool coach. Hence my appeal to you: Have the courage to get support. It doesn’t always have to be therapy. You are not wrong or sick just because you reproach yourself when you have made the most natural thing in the world: A MISTAKE! By the way, my credo today on mistakes is: NO HARM WITHOUT BENEFIT and with this attitude, mistakes get the importance they deserve. They are a valuable contribution to further development. So: Stay strong, be brave, and don’t forget: every mistake brings you closer to success. — I currently have two coaching places available. So if you want to trim your mindset for success, deal with personal challenges differently, become more and more relaxed, cheerful and successful, and if your goal is to create a life that develops according to your wishes – then book a free introductory appointment at https://conny-schumacher.de/coaching – and let’s talk!

HashtagCourageForVulnerability HashtagStrongWomen SuccessThroughMistakes

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